CopperCast Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

Come visit us
Coppercast Kennel has been established for Chesapeake Bay Retrievers by Mitchel & Diane Horowitz. Its’ name honors our foundation dog, Tonka (mBISS Gr. Ch Chesabar’s Copper Mine) and his subsequent progeny (known to us as his cast of characters). Appropriately, we are based on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.
We have been involved with Chessies since 1990 and have become increasingly concerned that too many kennels have adopted a single-minded focus in their breeding programs.
Our litters are few as we are selective breeders attempting to help preserve the ALL-purpose CBR: an innate hunter, astute protector, and trusted companion. Our goal is for each new generation to possess superior health, structure, intelligence, temperament, and trainability.
We have the benefit of following in the footsteps of our mentors, Patsy & Rudy Barber. Their world-renowned Chesabar Kennel ensures the health, temperament, and conformation of this spectacular breed. They have enriched countless owners lives with Chessies that have stood the test of time!
We are grateful to have Chesabar kidz Tonka, Sonya (Quailridge), and Gidget as our foundation for Coppercast.
We are very serious about having fun with our dogs! And who knows, you might be cast in our sequel.
Thanks for checking us out!